Sunday, September 17, 2006

Blogging In The Workplace Response

“The Commonalities Found in the Articles”

Several similarities are found in the articles of “Blogging in the Workplace.” The greatest commonality among the articles is how the use of blogging is rapidly increasing and becoming more common in the workplace. Employees of large companies and corporations are now able to have instant access to information, and can also participate in group projects more efficiently. The employees can keep track of their fellow group members and update their progress as their team mates observe in real time. The other comman theme found in the articles is the harm that blogging can cause in the workplace. Blogging can damage a company, corporation, or its employees. Information that may hurt someone’s career or even destroy the company can make their way into a blog. Because of blogging, many employees have been fired for information contained in their blog or someone else’s blog. It is essential to take into account the affects that may occur when posting information on a blog, especially high profile information.

"The Differences found in the Articles"

The main difference among the our articles was that some focused more on the legal and grey areas of blogging, specificially with regards to having a personal blog and writing bad things about the company in an entry. The exception of using a blog as a business tool only gets a brief mention toward the end. However, one of our articles did focus soley on the use of a blog for business purposes and had no mention of legal implications, though it did talk about some of the downsides of communication through a blog.


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